Name: Ms. Nakyagaba Nabiteeko Winfred
Job Title: Research Officer – Crop Agronomy
MSc. Crop science (2015), Makerere University Kampala, Uganda (Thesis: Determination of optimum sesame population in the finger millet + sesame additive intercropping system)
Bsc. Agriculture (2000),
Special project title: Evaluating orange and yellow-fleshed sweet potato varieties for yield, -carotene content, and consumer acceptability in Mpigi and Luwero districts.
National Diploma in Agriculture (1994) and National certificate in Agriculture (1992)
Crop agronomy and climate change related issues, social research, multi stakeholder innovation platforms (MISPs) and value chain studies, Robusta coffee and climate change and Banana research.
Research/Areas Interests:
Crop agronomy research mainly; on soil fertility, crop pests and diseases management, general crop management and crop yield
Social research, conducting surveys and participatory research activities
Climate change and its effects on crop production
Multi stakeholder innovation platforms and value chain analysis
Selected Publications:
1. Sanya, L. N., Lusembo, P., Scow, K. M., Magala, D. B., Allen, M., Gafabusa, R. N., Nakyagaba N. W., Mugisa, I., Mwebe, S., Salomon, A. and Mayanja, S. 2018. The participatory market chain approach: Stimulating innovations along the indigenous African leafy vegetables market chain. African Journal of Rural Development 3(1): 677-694. ISSN 2415-2838.
2. Kizza1, T., Nakyagaba, W., Nasirumbi, L., Kigundu, N., Magala, D. B., Muyinda, M., … Namirimu, T. (2017). Irrigation technology utilization: A case of central Uganda. In: The best show of the year just keeps growing. Education Conference, Nov. 6 – 10 (pp. 242–249). Orange County Convention Center Orlando, Florida.
3. Mugisa, I. O., Fungo, B., Adur, S.O., Ssemalulu, O., Molly, A., Atim, J., Nakyagaba, W., Kizza, T., Kabanyoro, R., Sseruwu, G. and Akello, B. O. 2017. Urban and peri-urban crop farming in Central Uganda: Characteristics, constraints and opportunities for household food security and income. African Journal of Plant Science 11 (7): 264-275. ISSN 1996-0824. DOI: 10.5897/AJPS2016.1477
4. Kabanyoro, R., Kabiri, S., Mugisa, I., Nakyagaba, W., Nasirumbi, L., Kituuka, G., … Fungo, B. (2013). Willingness of farmers to adopt rice intercrops in the Lake Victoria Crescent Agro-ecological Zone of Uganda. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 3(6), 121–130.
5. Magala D.B., Lusembo P., Sanya L. N., Seruwu G, Nakyagaba
N. W., Mayanja S., Byamukama R., Kasambula P. 2012. The contribution of Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA) research projects to household incomes in Uganda: A case of Mukono Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MUZARDI). In the National Agricultural Research Scientific conference, October 2012. www.nasarri.go.ug/news...NARO
6. Nakyagaba N.W, Ssekabembe C.K & Osiru. D.S.O. 2005. An overview of the agronomic constraints to simsim production in Uganda. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, Vol. 7. Pp. 1221-1228 Printed in Uganda. All rights reserved ISSN 1023-070X/2005 $ 4.00 © 2005, African Crop Science Society
Contact Details:
Ms. Nakyagaba Nabiteeko Winfred
Research Officer – Crop Agronomy
Telephone number: +256772516825, +256702871816
Email: Official: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
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