Name: Dr. Robert Alex Isabirye
Title: Acting Programme Leader – Animal Resources Research and Development Programme/Research Officer/Animal Health Scientist
Makerere University PhD Animal Health and Nutrition Thesis: “Evaluation of diatomite for improved chicken productivity in Uganda”
Makerere University MSc. Livestock Development Planning and Managament. Dissertation: “Microbial safety of selected value-added dairy products in Kampala and its environs”.
The University of Edinburgh (UK) MSc. International Animal Health. Dissertation “Tephrosia vogelii in control of fleas in Free-range poultry, Makerere University”
Makerere University Bachelor of Animal production technology and Management
Animal nutrition, Animal health, Use of natural products in animal production and Animal health economics
Research/Areas of Interest:
Research in use of organic and/or organic products in animal production
Selected Publications:
1. Isabirye et al., (2021). Effect of diatomaceous earth on growth rate, egg production, feed conversion efficiency and parasitic load in hens raised on deep litter
2. Isabirye et al., (2020). Effect of dietary supplementation with diatomaceous earth on egg quality traits in hens raised on deep litter.
3. Isabirye et al., (2019). Efficacy of diatomaceous earth on Ascaridia galli, blood parameters and on Ectoparasites in chicken. Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology Vol. 5 (9), pp. 205-217, November, 2019. https://doi.org/10.36630/jasft_19045
4. Isabirye et al., (2019). Diatomaceous earth usage in the agriculture sector in Uganda and its characterization: Current status and anticipated developments. Journal of Agricultural Science and Food Technology Vol. 5 (4), pp. 87-95. http://pearlresearchjournals.org/journals/jasft/index.html
5. Mwesigwa M., Isabirye R.A., Lumu, R. Nakibirige A, Namirimu T. Relationship between brooding instinct, hatchability and early chick survival in naturally bred chicken. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 109 (2019) 1 –12
6. Mwesigwa M, Isabirye R.A., Lumu R, Nakibirige A, Namirimu T. Benefits of using Saw dust and indigenous micro-organisms (IMO) in piggery rearing Applied Animal Behaviour Science 109 (2019) 1–9
7. Mwesigwa M, Isabirye R.A., Lumu R, Nakibirige A, Namirimu T. Exploring the sequel of mortality in rural chicken production in the Lake Victoria Crescent Agro-ecological Zone in Uganda. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 108 (2018) 1 –6
8. Mwesigwa M, Isabirye R.A., Akello B, Lumu R, Nakibirige A, Mugambe J, Namirimu T. Identifying the most productive indigenous chicken lines in Uganda using selected Parameters. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 109 (2019) 1 –8
9. Mwesigwa M, Isabirye R.A., Lumu R, Nakibirige A, Namirimu T. Principles for Prevention and Control of Feather Pecking and Cannibalism in chicken. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 109 (2019) 1 –13
10. Isabirye and Mecleod (2015). Tephrosia vogelii for control of fleas in free-range poultry
Contact details:
Robert Alex Isabirye, PhD.
Telephone: +256772643243
Official email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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