Name: Dr. Barbara Mugwanya Zawedde
Title: Director of Research, MUZARDI
Qualification: PhD (Major: Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology; Minor: Environmental Science and Policy), Certificate in Science Communication; Certificate in Project Planning and Management; and Certificate in Entrepreneurship
Where I studied: Michigan State University, UMI, Makerere University
Area of specialization/expertise/Research interest: Knowledge management, Science communication and outreach, Women and youth empowerment, Biosafety, Biopolicy, Bioethics, and other social and policy pathways to support adoption and sustainable use of agro-innovations
Budget/Project Management experience:
Lead for implementation of the Mukono ZARDI work plan and budget, 2020 to date, current annual budget – USD 545,700
Principal Investigator for implementing a NextGen Cassava Project on Agricultural
Biotechnology and Biosafety Communication, funded by Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation, 2018- 2019 – USD 244,340
Coordinator for implementing a NextGen Cassava Project (Agricultural Biotechnology and Biosafety Communication), funded by Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation, 2013- 2017 – USD 800,000
Coordinator for implementing a NARO-ATAAS project for establishing the Uganda Biosciences Research and Training Center with NARO, 2015-2017 – USD 307,753
Principal Investigator for implementing a NARO project for Compilation of NARO’s Success Stories, funded by NARO Competitive Grants Scheme, 2016/17 – USD 60,000
Selected Publications: Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Wagaba H. et al., Zawedde M.B., 2021. Comparative compositional analysis of cassava brown streak disease resistant 4046 cassava and its non-transgenic parental cultivar. GM Crops Food Vol 2; 12(1):158-169. DOI: 10.1080/21645698.2020.1836924
Zawedde M.B., M. Kwehangana, H. Oloka, 2018. Readiness for environmental release of genetically engineered plants in Uganda. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, section Biosafety and Biosecurity. DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2018.00152
Tibasaaga, A., Zawedde, B. M. 2018. Science Communication Models for Agricultural Transformation in Uganda. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol. 18 No (2) pp. 123 – 131
Mbigidde, V.A., Kashaija, I.N. and Mugwanya, B.Z. 2016. Strengthening communication and knowledge management for increased agricultural productivity: A Ugandan case study. RUFORUM Working Document Series No. 14 (1): 385-393
Zawedde M. B., Craig H., Alajo A., Grumet R., 2014. Assessment of on-farm sweetpotato diversity, and factors influencing the level of farmers’ crop diversity: Implications for conservation. Economic Botany.
Zawedde M. B., Ghislain M., Nduguru J., Magembe E., Hancock J. 2014. Characterization of the genetic diversity of Uganda’s sweetpotato germplasm using microsatellites. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
Books and Book Chapters:
NARO, 2019. NARO Digest Series 1: Consolidating the Gains; NARO Shifts Research Focus. National Agricultural Research Organisation.
NARO, 2017. NARO’s 25 Years of Unrivalled Agricultural Research Excellence. National Agricultural Research Organisation.
NARO, 2017. NARO Successful Interventions Generated and Disseminated. National Agricultural Research Organisation.
Zawedde M.B., O. Singura, V. Mbigidde, J. R. Muhumuza 2017. 25 years of Unrivalled Agricultural Research Excellence. NARO
Zawedde M.B, A. Tibassaga, A. Tugume, D. Kasule, 2017. Diversifying Youth Engagement in Agricultural Biotechnology Discourse: Uganda Case Study. Book Chapter in the “Borlaug LEAP Book: The Future of African Agriculture”.
Zawedde B, 2013. Environmental risk assessment and risk communication for introduction of genetically engineered sweetpotato in Uganda. PhD Thesis, Michigan State University.
Booklets and Policy Briefs
NARO, 2019. Knowledge Management and Communication Strategy 2018/19-2022/23. Strategy for the National Agricultural Research Organisation.
Zawedde M. B., G. Gumisiriza, A. Tibasaaga, N. Mugwanya, J. Muhumuza, 2017. Uganda’s Top Ten Facts about Biotechnology and Biosafety by 2016. UBIC Handbook for Policy Makers.
Zawedde M. B., G. Gumisiriza, A. Tibasaaga, N. Mugwanya, J. Muhumuza, 2016. Quotable Quotes: Biotech and Biosafety in Uganda. UBIC Handbook for Policy Makers.
Zawedde M. B., Akile S, Nakabuye S, T Sengooba 2012. Policies & Laws of Relevance to Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology in Uganda. Policy Brief No. 3. Uganda Biotechnology and Biosafety Consortium.
Contact details: Barbara Mugwanya Zawedde, PhD
Director of Research, MUZARDI
Official Email: director.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
Other email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: +256772206237