Name: Dr. Godfrey Sseruwu
Title: Programme Leader: Crop and Natural Resources Research Program
University of KwaZulu-Natal , Republic of South Africa, 2013 Ph.D. Plant Breeding (Breeding sweet potato for high yield and resistance to Alternaria leaf petiole and stem blight in Uganda)
Makerere University, Uganda, (2004) MSc. (Crop Science) Major in Plant Pathology (Fungal micro flora causing maize ear rots associated aflatoxins in Uganda)
Makerere University, Uganda, (2001) BSc Agriculture (Hons) Makerere University 2nd Class (Upper Division)
Plant breeding, pathology and agronomy and gender responsiveness in agricultural research
Research/Areas of Interest:
A plant breeder and pathologist with interests in development and adaptation of nutrient enhanced and climate resilient crop varieties
Selected Publications:
1. Godfrey Sseruwu, Mary Nanyanzi, Agnes Alajo, George Kituuka and Ian Benywanira. 2020. Evaluation of Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) Genotypes for Resistance to Alternaria Leaf Petiole and Stem Blight (Alternaria spp.) in Uganda. Journal of Agricultural Science 12 (10):263-277. URL: https://doi.org/10.5539/jas.v12n10p263
2. Godfrey Sseruwu, Mary Nanyanzi, George Kituuka, Agnes Alajo, Ian Benywanira. 2020. Evaluation and Participatory Selection of Promising Sweetpotato F1 Genotypes in Uganda. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology 5(4):1121-1142. URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab.54.33 1121
3. Sseruwu G., P. Shanahan, R. Melis, G. Ssemakula. 2016. Genetic analysis of resistance to Alternaria leaf petiole and stem blight of sweetpotato in Uganda. Euphytica 210(3):393-404 DOI 10.1007/s10681-016-1703-5
4. Sseruwu G., P. Shanahan, R. Melis, G. Ssemakula. 2015. Farmers’ awareness and perceptions of Alternaria leaf petiole and stem blight and their preferred sweetpotato traits in Uganda. Journal of Plant breeding and Genetics. 3:1-13
5. Immaculate Mugisa, Bernard Fungo, Stella Kabiri, Godfrey Sseruwu, Ruth Kabanyoro. 2020. Productivity Optimization in Rice-based Intercropping Systems of Central Uganda. International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology 5 (1): 142 – 149. https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab.51.22
6.Reuben T. Ssali, Godfrey Sseruwu, Bernard Yada, Gorrettie Ssemakula, Charles Wasonga, Wolfgang J. Gruneberg, Raul Eyzaguirre, Jan W. Low and Robert O.M. Mwanga. 2019. Efficiency of the polycross and controlled hybridisation methods in sweetpotato breeding in Uganda. Journal of Agricultural Science 11 (17): 11(17): 123-143 doi:10.5539/jas.v11n17p123
7. Mary Nanyanzi, Elizabeth Balyejusa Kizito, Michael Masanza, Godfrey Sseruwu, Moses Makoma Tenywa. 2018. Effect of different rates of poultry manure and bio-slurry on the yield of Solanum aethiopicum Shum. Journal of Agricultural Science 10 (4): 158-166
8. Mugisa. I., Fungo. B., Adur. S.O., Semalulu. O., Molly. A., Atim, J., Nakyagaba, W., Kizza T., Kabanyoro, R., Sseruwu, G., Akello, B.O. 2017. Urban and Peri-Urban Crop Farming in Central Uganda: Characteristics, constraints and opportunities for household food security and income. African Journal of Plant science 11 (7): 264-275
9. Venansio Tumuhaise, Fathiya M. Khamis, Ambrose Agona, Godfrey Sseruwu and Samira A. Mohamed. 2016. First record of Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in Uganda. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science. 36 (3) 135-139 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1742758416000035 (About DOI), 5 pages.
10.Bigirwa, G; G. Sseruwu, A.N. Kaaya, E. Adipala and S. Okanya. 2006. Fungal microflora causing maize ear rots in Uganda and associated aflatoxins. Journal of Biological Sciences 6(3):540-546.
11.Bigirwa, G., A.N. Kaaya, G. Sseruwu, E. Adipala, E. and S. Okanya: 2007. Incidence, severity and distribution of maize ear rots and factors responsible for their occurrence in Uganda. Journal of Applied Sciences 7(23):3780-3785
Contact details:
Godfrey Sseruwu, PhD
Crop and Natural Resources Research Program leader,
Tel: +256704907238
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Twitter:@ seruwugo