Name: Dr. Babirye Damalie Magala
Title: Programme Leader: Technology promotion & outreach programme
B.A (Social Sciences); M.A (Sociology); Ph.D in Agricultural and Rural Innovation, Makerere University, Uganda
A Social Research and Development Professional with over 15 years of extensive experience in strategic, adaptive and applied research. This experience is backed up by a sound academic and professional training background in Integrated Agricultural and Research for Rural Development, market-oriented research, advanced qualitative data collection, management and analysis.
Professional competences: qualitative and quantitative research design, data management and analysis, scientific report writing, stakeholder and needs assessment, facilitation and analysis of multi-stakeholder processes.
Research/Areas Interests:
Project design and evaluation, agricultural extension systems, innovation, institutional governance and adaptive management of multi-stakeholder processes, knowledge management, social and market research
Research projects spearheaded
a. Harnessing the Domino Effect for Transformative Technology Promotion and Outreach (2019-22). Funded by CGS- GoU.
b. Improving market access for pineapple chain actors using the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA) in Uganda, funded by World Bank- 2010-2013 US$ 90,000
c. Validation of the Participatory Market chain Approach in Uganda (Phases 2&3) 2006-2007. Funded by ASARECA and CIP, US$ 240,000. The grant was for 3 commodities i.e. sweet potato, solanum Potato and Vegetables. Team leader of the solanum potato commodity sub-project.
d. Validation of the Participatory market Chain Approach in Uganda (Phase 1) 2005. Funded by DFID, 100,000 Pounds. Team leader for the solanum potato commodity sub-project.
Selected Publications:
1. Mudege, N. N., Mayanja, S., Nyaga, J., Nakitto, M., Tinyiro, S. E., Magala, D. B., & Muzhingi, T. (2020). Prioritising quality traits for gender‐responsive breeding for boiled potato in Uganda. International Journal of Food Science & Technology.
2. Mwanga, R. O., Mayanja, S., Swanckaert, J., Nakitto, M., Zum Felde, T., Grüneberg, W. Kisakye, S., & Magala D.B (2020). Development of a food product profile for boiled and steamed sweetpotato in Uganda for effective breeding. International Journal of Food Science & Technology.
3. Magala, D. B., Mangheni, M. N., & Miiro, R. (2019). Actor social networks as knowledge sharing mechanisms in multi-stakeholder processes: a case of coffee innovation platforms of Uganda, Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 25(4), 323-336.
4. Magala, D. B., Mangheni, M. N., & Miiro, R. (2018). Leadership mechanisms associated with performance of coffee innovation platforms in Uganda. International Journal of Agricultural Extension, 6(2), 149-163.
5. Magala, D. B., Mangheni, M. N., & Miiro, R. (2018). Formation of effective multi-stakeholder Platforms: Lessons from coffee innovation platforms in Uganda. African Journal of Rural Development, 3(1), 617-632.
6. Sanya, L. N., Lusembo, P., Scow, K. M., Magala, D. B., Allen, M., Gafabusa, R. N., ... & Mayanja, S. (2018). The Participatory Market Chain Approach: Stimulating innovations along the indigenous African leafy vegetables market chain. African Journal of Rural Development (AFJRD), 3(1978-2018-4438), 677-694.
7. Mayanja S., Devaux A., Lemaga B. , Magala D. , Horton D. , Akello B., Aliguma L., Bernet T., Sekitto I., Thiele G., Velasco C. (2014) Multi-actor collaboration in value chains: an avenue to innovation?: In Pyburn, R. and J. Woodhill (eds.) (2014.) Dynamics of Rural Innovation – A primer for emerging professionals. LM Publishers, Arnhem; pp. 110-115
8. Magala D.B., Lusembo P., Nasirumbi L. S., Seruwu G. and Nakyagaba W. N. (2012). The contribution of Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA) research projects to household incomes in Uganda: a case of Mukono Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MUZARDI). A paper presented during the 1st NARO Scientific Conference, 1st – 3rd October 2012. Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda
9. Magala D.B., Nasirumbi L. S., Gafabusa R.N. , Kyambadde A. Seruwu G. ,Nakyagaba W. N. (2012). Can Indigenous Leafy Vegetables (IV’s) improve household income and nutrition? A poster presented during the 1st NARO Scientific Conference, 1st – 3rd October 2012. Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda
10. Hawkins R., L Nasirumbi L, Akello B., D. B. Magala, Okech G., Twinamasiko E. (2011). Learning for Change: The Impact of Capacity Building in integrated Agricultural Research for Development on NARO in Uganda”. http://www.africacollege.leeds.ac.uk/conf2011/documents/hawkins.pdf)
11. Mayanja S., Akello B., Horton D., Kisauzi D., Magala D. (2012). Value Chain Development in Uganda: Lessons Learned from the Application of the Participatory Market Chain Approach, Banwa , vol. 9, Nos. 1&2
12. Nasirumbi L., Akello B., Magala D. Oketch S., Hawkins R. (2011). Learning Together for Change in Integrated Agricultural Research for Development – A Review of Experience of NARO-ZARDI in Uganda- National Agricultural Research Organization
13. Horton D. Akello B. Aliguma L. Thomas B. Devaux A. Lemaga B. Magala D. Mayanja S. Sekitto I. Thiele G. Velasco C., (2010). "Developing capacity for agricultural market chain innovation: Experience with the 'PMCA' in Uganda," Journal of International Development, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 22(3), pages 367-389.
14. Akello, B. Mugisa I, Nakyagaba W, Nampeera M. and Magala D. (2009). “Using the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA) to generate pro-poor innovations in the sweet potato sector in Uganda”. A paper presented at Young Professionals and Women in Science competitions, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
15. Aliguma L, Magala D., Lwasa S. (2007) Connecting small-scale producers to markets- A case of Nyabyumba United Farmers’ Group, Kabale district, Uganda Agricultural Economics Association (UAEA)
16. Ssemwanga J., Laker Ojok R. , Mayanja S. , Jagwe J., Magala D., (2006) Implementation of the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA) Phase on the Potato Sector In Uganda. Final Report, Presented at the 3rd PMCA Workshop for horizontal Evaluation of the PMCA process, Mukono, Uganda. (Unpublished).
17. Reviewed a book chapter entitled “Innovation pathways in the coffee sector in Ethiopia and Kenya”. The book is entitled “Tree Crop Commodities in Africa: Prospects for Resilient Green Economies” by ICRAF
Contact Details:
Babirye Damalie Magala
Rural Sociologist
Telephone number(s): +256-778804248
Official email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Twitter: @Babirye Damalie