Name: Dr. Sarah Mutonyi
Job Title: Senior Researcher Officer, Agroforestry
Qualifications: University of Copenhagen, Denmark (2016) Ph.D in Agricultural Economics
Thesis title: Value chain dynamics and impact of collective action on livelihood improvement in Kenya
Technical University of Madrid, Spain (2016) Ph.D in Project planning for Rural Development and Sustainable management
Thesis title: Value chain dynamics and impact of collective action on livelihood improvement in Kenya
Makerere University, Uganda, (2012) Msc. Agroforestry
Thesis title: Gender, property rights to land and on-farm tree resources. A case of multi-ethnic groups in Kibaale district Western Uganda
Makerere University, Uganda (2007) Bsc. Forestry
Dissertation: Population structure and control of Senna spectabilis in Kibaale National park, Western Uganda
Wageningen UR, Netherlands (2018) Ceritificate in Market access for Food and nutrition Security
Uganda management Institute, Uganda (2012) Certificate in Project planning and Management
Expertise: Forestry, Agroforestry, Agricultural Value chains, project planning & management
Research/Areas Interests:
• Agroforestry, natural resource management, gender and institutions
• Smallholder livelihoods, impact evaluations and policy analysis
• Value chain and supply chain economics, & development
• Quantitative and qualitative analysis
1. Mutonyi, S. (2019). The effect of collective action on smallholder income and asset holdings in Kenya. World Development Perspectives, 14:100099.
2. Mutonyi, S., Beukel, K., and Hjortsø, N. C. (2018). Relational factors and performance of agrifood chains in Kenya. Industrial Marketing Management, 74: 175-186.
3. Mutonyi, S., Beukel, K., Gyau, A., Hjortsø, N. C. (2016). Price satisfaction and producer loyalty in business to business relationships in Kenyan mango supply chain. British Food Journal, 118 (5), 1067-1084.
4. Mutonyi, S. (2016). Value chain dynamics & impact of collective action on smallholder livelihood improvement in Kenya. PhD Thesis, published, University of Copenhagen, Denmark and Technical University of Madrid
5. Mutonyi, S. & Gyau, A. (2013). Measuring performance of small and medium agrifood firms in developing countries: Gap between theory and practice. Conceptual paper. Selected paper prepared for presentation at the 140th EAAE seminar, “Theories and empirical applications on policy and governance of agrifood value chains, December 13-15, Perugia, Italy.
6. Mutonyi, S. (2012). Gender property rights to land and on-farm tree resources. A case of multi-ethnic groups in Kibaale district, Western Uganda. Master’s thesis. Unpublished, Makerere University, Uganda.
7. Mutonyi, S. & Fungo, B. (2011). Patterns of agroforestry practices among smallholder farmers in Lake Victoria crescent zone (LVCAEZ) of Uganda. Research Journal of Applied Sciences 6(4), 251-257.
Chomba, S., Mausch, K., Carsan, S. Ouattara, I., Njogu, K., Odoul, J., Mutonyi, S., & Mithofer, D. (2020). Do men and women speak one voice? Tree-based value chains for land restoration in Africa. In progress
Mutonyi, S., Bazanya, G. & Akello, B., O. (2020). Performance of different apple cultivars in Lake Victoria Agro-ecological Zone of Uganda. In progress
Contact Details:
Sarah Mutonyi, PhD
Senior Researcher Officer, Agroforestry. MUZARDI
Telephone number(s): +256772479980; +256700925991
Official E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
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