Name: Ms. Nankya Eseri
Job title: Research Officer-Soil Fertility Scientist
Qualification: MSc. Soil Science-“Influence Of Mineral Zinc Application on Plant Zinc, Protein Content, Yield And Nodule Activity of Bush Bean Genotypes”-Makerere University (2015).
BSc. Agricultural Land-Use and Management-Makerere University (2010)
Certificate: Crop Production under Saline Environmental Soil and Water Qualities-Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2015).
Certificate: Increasing the Developmental Impact of Agricultural Research-University of Sydney (2018)
Certificate: Enhancing food security in salt-affected areas in Africa through integrated land, water and crop management- At International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) of Republic of Arab Emirates (2018).
Certificate: “Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for M&E/Research” MAARIFA Consult LTD.
Area of specialization /Research interest Precision Agricultural production Systems, Sustainable Land Management and Restoration of degraded agricultural land systems, Research and Innovation on Climate Smart Agriculture technologies to combat effects of Climate Change.
Expertise: Soil health enhancement through Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM), Sustainable Land Management with major focus on restoration of degraded Agro- ecosystems.
Selected Publications:
1. Nankya E.;Tenywa J.S.; Nkalubo S.; Mulumba L. -“Response of tissue zinc to zinc fertilisation in bush bean genotypes on an oxisol”: International Journal Plant and Soil Science.
2. Nankya E, Wasukira A, Pande J, Gidoi R, Owere L. “Factors and practices affecting Nutrient management in Eastern Uganda”. International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research.
3. Ochwoh V.A.1,Nankya, E.2, Abulo P.3, Obuo, P.3 “Influence of Nitrogen and Phosphorus fertilizer application on grain Yield of upland rice in Eastern Uganda” -African Journal of Crop Science.
4. Ochwoh V.A., Nankya E., Classens A.S., Steenkamp C.J.“Transformations and distributions of the applied and native phosphorus into different phosphorus pools in incubated Rustenburg and Loskop soils”: International Journal of Agriculture Innovations and Research.
Contact details Nankya Eseri
Research Officer - Soil Fertility Scientist
Tel: +256774423458
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